Meet RE.VITYL™ - A Restful Lifestyle Company Designing Wellbeing Products Powered by Biocrystal® Technology
Meet RE.VITYLTM a brand that is following nature’s way and showing the world its passion of living best life every day, through greater and re.covery. We in BC Tech are happy to partner up with nature believers who share the same passion and commitment to providing the best quality of life, with products based only and solely on natural elements.
RE.VITYLTM latest product, RE.LEASE Eye Masks are a true perfection that revolutionizes sleep behavior, and are infused with powerful and natural Biocrystal® technology.
Designed with the everyday person on mind, RE.LEASE Eye Masks improve sleep quality and promote greater and re.covery with elemental energy by Biocrystal®.
RE.VITYLTM range of sleep products contain a special elemental energy-blend, of 100% natural crystals, that are created with innovative Biocrystal® technology.
This process stands on nine-plus years of testing and development, and consists of a blend of 16 carefully selected crystals, in combination with gold and silver.
Independent research has proven that products enriched with Biocrystal® mixture, provide increased body energy, concentration, enhanced sleep quality and re.laxation.