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We are a creators and exclusive provider of Biocrystal® mixture - composed of precisely selected, crushed, and mixed crystals in specific quantities and ratios. Biocrystal® is registered trade name for mineral-based technology, scientifically tested and proven to have relaxing and stress-relieving properties.


We aimed to build innovative technology which would provide effective anti-stress solutions with no additional effort in a busy daily schedule. For that reason, we have designed several components intended for implementation into almost any product: textile, bedding foam, mattress, furniture, car seats, office chairs, eye masks, insoles, elements used in the aviation industry and the like. 


With headquarters in Europe (Rijeka, Croatia), we are globally present and working with various industry companies worldwide. Our No.1 product, Biocrystal® Mixture, brought global media coverage and some of the most significant awards given by industry specialists.


With Biocrystal®, you will add value and create a competitive market advantage for your products quickly and cost-efficiently. We ship worldwide and offer full marketing support when introducing the enriched product to your customers.


BIOCRYSTAL is an original product of BC Tech Ltd. from Rijeka, Croatia. BIOCRYSTAL is a registered trademark in the EU, USA, Canada, and China, which give BC Tech Ltd. exclusive trademark rights, and which may not be used by any third party without BC Tech Ltd.'s expressed consent.


A word from the innovator

We always had in mind that daily relaxation and self-care have incredible long-term advantages, significantly contributing to one's overall wellbeing. Naturally, our story has begun with a seemingly simple question - is there a way to mitigate the unpleasant symptoms and thus facilitate our day-to-day functioning?


That question existed in our minds long before we fortuitously came across studies on crystals - the wonders of nature, on our research journey. Satisfied customers and a life with less stress are now essential parts of our mission, and we are glad to provide our customers with technology that makes their lives happier and more relaxed.


 To achieve purposeful achievements, you need to reinforce your vision and values repeatedly. To us, it's to make nature's best easily accessible to people and create excellent products with relaxing and stress-relief properties, together with our clients. We are proud to live our vision, year after year, thanks to Biocrystal® technology, and finally, help people feel incredible benefits of proper relaxation.


Every new year brings us unknown challenges and great opportunities, and this year was no exception. We learned to adapt to unique circumstances, carefully listen to people's needs, and work hard with innovative manufacturers who wanted to add value to their products and answer their customers' needs. That's why we're always happy to hear feedback from satisfied clients and relaxed Biocrystal® users worldwide.






Read the letter from our founder, Mrs. Vesna Pavletic

A word from the innovator


Book a meeting

Manufacturing bedding foam, mattresses, textile, or furniture and wondering if you can improve your products with Biocrystal® stress-relief component?

Get in touch with us, we’ll be happy to explain how Biocrystal® can easily and cost-effectively be implemented into your products and answer your customers’ needs.