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Join FREE Biocrystal® webinar: Textile innovations with Biocrystal® technology

The great news is coming from the Biocrystal® world - a long-awaited webinar on simplified implementation methods of Biocrystal® into textile have been announced! The webinar will be taking place on Wednesday, December 8th, at 02:00 pm (CET).

After successfully embedding Biocrystal® in foams, we further developed sophisticated methods of implementing it into textile, opening new possibilities for manufacturers. New technological opportunities have resulted in collaboration with a material-oriented supplier and a solution provider - Al Sadiq Trading Company (ASTC).

This time, a guest speaker is Mr Zaeem ul Hassan, Business Development Manager at ASTC, a textile professional continuously working on product development with sustainable, biobased and innovative solutions.



Challenging circumstances require uncomplicated solutions, so this webinar is intended for textile and all other manufacturers who want to add value to their products easily and cost-effectively. Mrs Vesna Pavletić, CEO/Founder of BC Tech, will introduce you to Biocrystal® - scientifically proven anti-stress technology. Afterwards, Mr Zaeem ul Hassan will discuss the latest implementation possibilities of Biocrystal® into textile and will share his experiences on successfully overcoming the industry challenges.

Join us on Wednesday, December 8th at 02:00 pm (CET) and learn how to answer your customer's needs with simplified implementation solutions explained by a textile expert. The webinar is free for all attendees. Save your spot and register on the link (limited availability) here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OIyetwSxS8mVGcIirfpZ3w.